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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  April 27, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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welcome to cnn saturday morning. it is saturday, april 27th, 11 a.m. on the east coast, 8:00 a.m. out west. i'm poppy harlow. we're here live on boston's boylston street for our continuing special coverage of the boston bombings. new information coming in now on the bombing investigation and the surviving suspect, dzhokhar tsarnaev. let's start out with the investigation and a key piece of evidence. tsarnaev's laptop. authorities are looking for his computer in a land fill, a dump in new bedford, massachusetts. a law enforcement official says investigators went there after getting leads from tsarnaev and others who may have played a part in throwing the computer away. that's key. earlier cnn's susan candiotti explained to anderson cooper why the laptop is a top priority. >> if they can find that laptop, anderson, in this land fill, after it had been ditched somewhere that was, you know, like a dumpster that eventually
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made it to the land fill, if they can get into that, they can find out things like e-mails and cocts a schedules and instructions. so much other information about how this plot may have come together. >> and, of course that depends on what condition that laptop is in, if they do find it. meantime, dzhokhar tsarnaev woke up this morning at a prison medical center in devens, massachusetts, 40 miles from where i'm standing. that facility, just west of boston, a law enforcement official says tsarnaev's condition is improving, that he's able to sit up and that he's able to write. but he's become a lot less talkative say authorities since his miranda rights were read to him. meantime, a u.s. official tells cnn one of the explosives that was found at last week's gunfight between police and the tsarnaev brothers in watertown is very similar to one described in the al qaeda online magazine
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"inspire." in washington, a warning that more arrests could be coming. it comes from congressman mike rogers, the republican chairman of the house committee on intelligence. in an interview with the boston herald, rogers said, quote, there are clearly more persons of interest, and they're not 100% sure if there aren't other explosives. now, rogers gets daily briefings on the investigation. he also had some very critical words about the decision to mirandize bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev when they did that. several days after his capture. he said, quote, i think this was a serious and possibly a dangerous set of decisions made. there is going to be more arrests, i do believe. this is incredibly important and once he got a lawyer, which the citizens of boston and america are paying for, he stopped cooperating. that's the view of the chair of the house intelligence committee. now, dzhokhar tsarnaev was questioned for hours, about 16 hours before he was mirandized.
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he was not in good condition, so in and out of consciousness during that time but mirandized under the public safety exemption. he said he and his brother acted alone. our pamela brown has been live all morning at the federal medical center in devens, massachusetts, where tsarnaev is being held. good morning, pamela. i want to ask you about his condition in a moment, but, first, i want to talk about that search going on right now for a laptop among other things in that land fill. what exactly led police to this site? >> reporter: well, poppy, according to sources, investigators were led to that land fill in new bedford, massachusetts, based on tips from the suspect himself, dzhokhar tsarnaev, and other people who have been questioned in this investigation. this is the third day investigators are combing through the land fill and hoping to find what is believed to be the laptop of dzhokhar tsarnaev. they believe they can find this laptop, that they will be able to gain critical information, but, of course, this is like
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finding a needle in a hay stack. this is a very difficult task, but investigators are combing that land fill thoroughly, trying to find more clues. we know that some of the people that gave those tips -- investigators there may have been involved with disposing of the laptop after the april 15th bombing at the boston marathon. but, again, they're still searching and it is an ongoing investigation. we're told this investigation is far from over. p poppy? >> in terms of tsarnaev's condition at this moment, what do we know on that, especially based on the abilities of that hospital? >> reporter: yeah, poppy, the abilities here we know that this facility behind me, devens federal medical center only does small procedures. they don't do invasive surgery. that tells you right there that dzhokhar tsarnaev's condition has improved significantly. last weekend, you have to remember, he was in serious condition. now we're told he's in fair condition, he's sitting up, he's
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writing. it seems like he's improving significantly. >> and any sort of timeline, finally, pamela, on when his next court appearance could be? >> reporter: well, i spoke to an official with the justice department, poppy, and we know that 30 days after the official charges are filed, the indictment must be presented. within 30 days. so we know the indictment was -- i'm sorry, the charges came last sunday, officially, so we know that there is only a few weeks from now that that indictment will be presented. from there, an arraignment where tsarnaev has to make a court appearance and enter a plea. so it may not be long before we see him in court. poppy? >> pamela brown, thank you very much. the mother of the two bombing suspects says she thinks the attack may have been staged. her sons may have been set up. that the blood may have actually been paint. she says that among other things. she and her husband who appeared at a news conference in russia
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have now left their home in dagestan and are living in another part of russia, it is believed. the father's planned trip to the united states at this point has been put off indefinitely. we're told for health reasons. and in an interview with cnn, the mother says she cannot accept what her sons allegedly did. listen. >> i don't know how to describe it, you know. you're a mother, right? so just because you are not mother, you won't understand. i am mother. loving mother of two kids. i don't know. it is crazy. i can't even -- i can't even describe it. i don't know. i have no strength. i have nothing. i have no -- i just dead. like a dead person. how can i describe it?
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>> an eye opening interview with the mother of the tsarnaev brothers. you can see more of that on that interview by our nick paton walsh. an attorney for katherine russell, the american woman married to this deceased bombing suspect, tamerlan tsarnaev, says she knew nothing about her husband's alleged terror activity. she's remained mostly out of sight since the bombings, but cnn did see her leaving her parents' home yesterday in north kingston, rhode island. erin mcpike has the latest. >> reporter: we only have seen katie russell twice in the past week. on tuesday and on friday, she left her house with her attorneys. on friday, her attorneys met with her in their office for about 90 minutes. when she arrived at her attorney's office, i did try to ask her how she was doing if she could tell us what was happening. she, of course, did not answer and her attorneys ushered her inside. when i got a chance to look at her, she looked bewildered,
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overwhelmed at what was going on. here at the house, we have seen security vehicles stationed outside this house, all week long. they leave, trailing one of her family members or several of her family members every time they leave, all we know from the fbi is that they remain very interested in speaking with her. we don't yet know if they have had a chance to question katie russell, but they sure would like to. as far as we know, the investigation continues, poppy. >> erin mcpike for us this morning in rhode island. erin, thank you. next, the surprising and disturbing find in a tight space between two buildings right near ground zero. it is part of the landing gear from an airplane, maybe from one of the planes that hit the twin towers on 9/11. kyocera torque lets you hear and be heard even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. seriously, this is really happening!
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[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. a very surprising and disturbing discovery in new york city to tell you about. part of the landing gear of an airplane wedged in an 18-inch space between two buildings near ground zero. does it belong to one of the planes that flew into the twin towers on 9/11 in that attack? ailelina cho is live in new yor city looking into this for us. any idea when we might know if
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this is actually authentic, if it is from one of the planes on 9/11, or t? >> reporter: well, poppy, i can tell you that is the working theory, that it is indeed the landing gear from one of the hijacked planes that hit the twin towers on 9/11, but as you might imagine, an official investigation is under way. it will resume on monday. it could last a few days. it could last a week. by then we should know for sure. but let me tell you a little bit about the discovery. this goes back to wednesday morning of this week when surveyors were here at the building behind me. they were in the backyard, looking around, they were looking to do some construction work and they discovered what they were calling a mechanical part. now, upon closer inspections they were actually able to see a boeing serial number and at that point that they realized that it was likely the landing gear from one of those hijacked planes.
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this discovery is incredible on so many different levels. first of all, the sheer size of the piece. it is 5 feet by 4 feet by 17 inches in depth. it is said to weigh up to 700 pounds. and it was found wedged between these two buildings. one of them, the site of the controversial ground zero mosque. and what is extraordinary about the space in which was found is that the width is only 18 inches, which begs the question, how did it get there? >> the space between the two buildings is only 18 inches. now, the part has been measured to be five feet by four feet by 17 inches. so it is a big part, and obviously very, very narrow, confined area.
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somehow the part gets down there. and could it have been lowered at some time? it is possible. there is a rope that is on it. it looks like it is intertwined with that part. it would have had to fall down exactly, hit at a certain angle, to make it go right down. >> reporter: of course this brings back so many painful memories for people who were here in new york city on 9/11, particularly the 9/11 families. many of whom are frankly outraged. they are disgusted at the news of this discovery saying this is just the latest example, poppy, that a proper search after 9/11 was never conducted. poppy? >> understandably so. just brings back so much pain to even have to talk about debris from the attack or possible debris from the attack. alina, do we know if investigators are looking for anything else at all in that
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area at this point because of this finding? >> reporter: they are. as you might imagine, for the families, as i said, it brings back so many painful memories. remember, poppy, more than 1100 victims were never identified. and so the chief medical examiner will be here, be among the officials here, starting on monday. really combing through the debris to see if there are any traces of human remains. they'll also be looking for t toxins, nearly 12 years later, you can imagine many of the families still feel no closure. and they're angry. and they already feel like a proper search was not conducted. and so they will be here, going through this area with a fine toothed comb. and hopefully they will be able to bring some closure to some of these families, particularly the ones whose remains were never identified. poppy, back to you.
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>> absolutely. alina cho joining us live this morning. thank you. for those who have lost limbs in the boston marathon blast, life will never be the same. none of us can really understand it. but the amputees are getting some support from a man who knows exactly what they are going through. we're going to have that story for you next. [ female announcer ] crest plus scope celebrates the daring ones. for him, who dares to get in the picture. for her, who dares to show her love to the world. for the daring ones, there's crest plus scope. the only toothpaste that combines the freshness of scope with the whitening power of crest. ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just stay alive... but feel alive. the c-class is no exception. it's a mercedes-benz, through and through. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer
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welcome back to our live continuing coverage of the bombings in boston. a beautiful sight this morning on a beautiful spring day with some amazing people around here.
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this makeshift memorial has grown day by day, hour by hour, here on boylston street. folks like this, hi, writing messages. why are you here today? >> we're here to respect and to honor the -- >> victims. >> the victims, yes. right. >> it is interesting. i want to show you some of the other messages, thank you, sir, that was written here. i was here all morning. janice wrote this message, always in my thoughts and prayers, remember forever, boston strong. two hours ago, this only had a few comments on it. now it is full. city workers come every few hours, swap them out, they take these full signs to city hall and they're still deciding what they're going to do with all the messages. i was going to walk through and show you some of the flowers. we have crowds of people showing you how many people have come out here to pay homage and show support for this city and their victims. you got flowers you got candles, all in front of four crosses,
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for four people killed in this. officer sean collier gunned down at m.i.t. the 29-year-old beautiful woman, krystle campbell, the chinese exchange student lingzi lu and that 8-year-old boy who rese sm epitomizes this. as we talk about those that we lost, we also have to remember the victims. so many victims in this, some of them have lost at least one limb. and i want to share an inspiring story with you. we met a young man named mu muji karim, a double amputee. he was able to talk to us about how life does go on even after near death. his daily workout is about so much more than getting fit. it is about becoming himself again. this was muji two years ago.
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the former safety for the university of new hampshire wildcats learning to walk again after a tragic car crash that took his legs and nearly killed him. when you heard about the bombing, and you realized that people had lost limbs from it, what did you think? >> just really brought me back to a bad place, and -- but i just sort of want to let those people know it is not over. it is not -- you know, your life isn't -- isn't done. >> it doesn't have to break you. >> no, no. doesn't have to break you at all. >> reporter: he knows what the more than one dozen amputee bombing victims face. i wonder what the biggest fear has been for you as you've gone through this. >> to be honest, my biggest fear is not being myself again. >> this is a very stable -- >> reporter: the man who got muji up and walking again is the one who will do the same for
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nearly all the bombing amputees. >> being able to see somebody walk with a prosthesis for the first time is transformative. >> reporter: he'll do it here at spalding's brand-new rehabilitation hospital, which is just opening now. >> they have been in intensive care unit, some have been on high dose medications, so sometimes the processing of the invitation only begins once they come to rehabilitation. >> it is not just about rehabilitating their bodies or teaching them to walk again. it is just as much about rehabilitating their mind and emotionally where they stand, isn't it? >> that's right. and losing a limb is akin to losing a loved one. look at an amputation as a transformative event. i tell patients that it helps -- it clearly shapes them as an individual, but it doesn't define them. so, you know, you -- you're defined by what you have, not by what you've lost. >> reporter: muji will be right alongside him, working with other amputees to help the
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bombing victims battle back. >> this really has affected the he entire community. >> i want to walk in and let them know, be that ray of hope for them, let them know their life is not over. you may feel like you're not happy that you survived. i went through the same sort of feelings. >> reporter: but this makes it different for these victims. >> to know somebody purposefully did something like that, and you lost what you lost, that's something i never had to deal with. >> reporter: but muji believes -- >> if you stay with a positive mind set, and you are willing to work for it, i mean, i'm living proof that you can get where you want to be. >> he is living proof. one of the many inspiring people that i and our whole team have had the chance to meet here over the past few weeks in boston. muji told me that a year ago it took him 57 minutes to walk a mile. and today he is four times faster and his goal, like so many, is to one day run the
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boston marathon. but, again, as you heard him say, the one thing that he cannot understand out of this and no one that was not part of the attacks can understand is the mental component, how fficulit is to lose limb when someone purposefully and intentionally does something malicious like this. if you want to help any of the victims, any of the amputees or anyone here in boston, that was affected by this tragic attacks, go to again, we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] the 2013 chevy silverado 1500 has the best pickup coverage in america, with a new 2-year, 24,000-mile scheduled maintenance program, a 3-year, 36,000-mile bumper-to-bumper warranty, and a 5-year, 100,000-mile powertrain limited warranty. we've got you covered eight ways to sunday. come to think of it, sunday, too. right now chevy truck owners can trade up to a silverado all-star edition and get a total value of $8,500.
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well, this just in to cnn. cnn has just learned that federal agents have made an arrest in the ricin poison investigation. james everett dutsche is in custody in this case. letters containing the deadly powder as you know were sent to president obama and a michigan lawmaker and to a mississippi judge. one other man was briefly under suspicion earlier in the investigation. he was arrested. on tuesday he was cleared. what do we know? >> as you mentioned, we are learning from both state and federal officials that james everett dutschke was taken into custody this morning around 1:00 a.m. at his home without any incident and was turned over to the u.s. marshals office.
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his name surfaced on monday, at a hearing for that former suspect paul kevin curtis. curtis was initially arrest and charged in connection to this case. he was accused of sending letters containing ricin to several government officials, including president obama. and he was later released and his name was cleared. the charges were dropped. and that happened on tuesday. as soon as that happened, the attention, the focus seemed to turn to this other suspect, to dutschke. we know agents have searched his martial arts studio and his home. and his attorney, however, has maintained that her client has had nothing to do with these letters. we are still working to get more information on what is going on and get some more details. and we also, today, have reached out to dutschke's attorney and
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have not heard back from her. we'll continue to work the story and bring you more details as soon as we have them. poppy? >> and, thank you, alina. i want to be clear for the viewers, i mispronounced the name the first time. can you please give the full name of the man that has been taken into custody. it is not deutsche. can you pronounce it for our viewers. >> his name is james everett dutschke. this is the second suspect, the suspect that has been arrested in reference to the ricin investigation. james everett dutschke. >> okay, alina, thank you. keep us posted. and interestingly, folks, at a court hearing the day before the charges were dropped, kurcurtis the person originally arrested in this, he said he was framed and identified this man as a potential culprit. that also an interesting development, we will keep you posted on the latest as soon as
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we have more information. well, learning to make a bomb online, one terror group explains the how to giving step by step details. why authorities believe that this may have inspired the bombing suspects. girl vo: i'm pretty conservative. very logical thinker. (laughs) i'm telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. (screams) i'm really glad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they're looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children's motrin.
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well, the boat where bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev was captured was towed last night from its watertown location. police escorted it to a secure location where they will continue to process it for any evidence they can find. the younger tsarnaev brother had taken refuge inside the boat
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during that massive manhunt that unfolded for hours, looking for him. that followed that shootout with police in watertown, that killed his brother. now, to those pressure cookers that the suspects turned into weapons of massive destruction. a how to guide to create a bomb of that kind is widely accessible online. in fact, one device found at last week's gunfight between police and the bombing suspects was very similar to the design of one from an online al qaeda-related magazine called "inspire." so can websites like "inspire" be shut down? is there anything that can be shut down or be useful for authorities in following these people. i asked professor sherry terfil and cnn national security analyst peter bergen. >> shutting these things down is not particularly easy because you just shut it down and then it pops up somewhere else and some other jihadi forum. 80% of the internet traffic in the world goes through the
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united states. so technically would it be possible to shut down all of the sites? but for law enforcement there is also a value in having these sites up, who is visiting them, so that there is a kind of tension between information gathering because you can monitor these jihadi forums, and also, you know, the fact that they are clearly sometimes inspiring people. >> that's very important point, the need to be able to track them and follow them. peter, also, do you have a sense of how much more prolific online internet recruitment is now, how much more common it is now, say, than around 9/11? have we seen it increase significantly? >> well, certainly with the advent of broadband video, you know, it is much more exciting what you find on the internet than what you find around the 9/11 time period. this began during the iraq war when al qaeda in iraq started posting things like beheadings of people that it kidnapped, video of some of its operations.
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so certainly the online environment is more attractive. that said, you know, even in -- the cases where somebody has been exclusively radicalized online, i think, are less frequent than at the end of the day, good old-fashioned face to face. that is more powerful. >> it is a very important point. we have to point out. as dzhokhar tsarnaev tells investigators, look, it was my brother and i solely that did this. of course, he would have the incentive to say that. and to you, when you look at the characteristics of someone, as a psychologist, it would be more easily radicalized solely on line if that is the case. are there any characteristics that would stand out to you? >> someone who is isolated. >> not dzhokhar tsarnaev, we know from his friends. >> yes, but someone who still wants to keep their activities, these kinds of activities, you know, isolated from the rest of their life, which is kind of the case. there was kind of a parallel life going on.
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so this is a guy who wanted to be on his team, who wanted to keep a kind of parallel life going, and his parallel life was taking place online. so i think he's a perfect case of somebody who would lead a parallel life online. >> our thanks to peter bergen and sherry turkel for that conversation. air travelers may get a break soon as congress steps in to try and stop major delays at the nation's airports. if you're traveling, what you need to know next. [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all?
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it has been a very frustrating week for air travelers, furloughs brought on by the forced spending cuts caused thousands ofcross the co.
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now a bill has been passed that allows the faa to end furloughs. i spoke with mark murphy. we talked about if this is really going to bring things back to seminormal. >> we're looking at several days to get back to normal for the traveling public. at least 72 hours. >> when you say travelers -- at least 72 hours. i know i sat on the runway on wednesday night for four hours and the captain of my plane said you can write a letter to your congressman or woman. in terms of how bad we were, give us a sense across the board. >> i have sources at newark airport that were screaming about the problems. you had a website that went up, don't ground, the airlines get it because they're seeing the delays. if you look at a board at newark airport, at least half the flights were canceled or delayed and in some cases two-thirds of the flights on the screen. so it was a real headache for passengers. and got to a point where they were thinking about abandoning the passenger bill of rights,
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which if they leave people on the ground like you for more than three hours. >> you know, jay carney and the white house coming out, although, you know, they'll find this legislation, saying this is just a temporary fix. this is just a band-aid fix, right? >> well you know what, i own a business, and when i run a business, i have to make decisions on how i allocate my resources. the government should be doing the same thing. they should be looking at what the budgets are, how they're going to allocate the resources, and not create a crippling effect. we're talking about the faa in 2013, to 2010 levels. and i got to believe with fewer flights in the air today, than there were in 2010, that the faa can operate and keep us safe and keep us traveling. and i think the challenge is we have got to basically a political football, which became the travel industry, and not only is the travel industry suffering, the entire economy as well as all the travelers. and that's the challenge. we have got to get the politics out of it, and use some common sense. >> in terms of cost, of course,
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employing all of these people, there is a significant cost that comes with it, but their role is critical, to safety, to efficiency, is there any idea about whether or not the cost is going to get passed down to the -- to us, to the people that buy the tickets and take these flights. are we going to have to pay more as a result or purely government budget issue? >> you know what, it is a great question. if we look at government budgets, they're way, way up overall. so they're dramatically increased in the last five years. but if you look at the actual ticket price you pay, 20% of the cost of your ticket price today goes to things like the faa. so you're already paying as a traveler for that service, and the fact that they can't deliver on it, in spite of having budgets going up year over year, and looking at 2010 versus 2013 and we're at the same level, some will even say we're up this year versus last year, yet that's why i say it is more politics than reality. if you run a business, and you
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have a 4% overall cut, you're going to find ways to cut that 4% without damaging your core business and the core for the aa is keep flights flying on time, get you there safely, and that's number one. that's priority number one. so if that's not the number one thing you can focus on, maybe i'm missing something. >> well, despite repeated warnings, get this, some people still aren't heeding the message to leave their weapons at home when they fly. take a look at some of these incredible images. just this past week, the tsa says it seized 35 firearms including 26 that were loaded. they also say they discovered 16 stun guns, like this one, and a carry on bag and then there was this. if you take a look at the top of your -- the top half of your screen, you're going to see a knife they found concealed in the bottom, they say, of a shoe at washington dulles. apparently security screeners
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also found three inert grenades at two other airports. just stunning what they found. defending the boston bombing suspect is not going to be an easy task at all. but the public defender picked to do the job has quite a list of credentials. we're going to have more on her possible strategy straight ahead. thanksgiving day, and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. governor of getting it done. you know how to dance... with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. this is awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is, business pro. yes, it is. go national. go like a pro.
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now to the daunting task of trying to defend suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev. he's being represented by a woman named miriam conrad. she's one of the most respected federal public defenders in the country. earlier today i talked to paul callan about her and what her defense strategy might be. listen. >> her primary objective is to try to avoid the death penalty for the suspect and to do that she really has to give federal authorities something. and possibly he'll come forward and provide information that will be valuable in discovering other terrorist networks or how the explosives were obtained in this case. that would be the cooperation element that's a playing card. the second is mitigation. by that i mean they are going to try to convince the department
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of justice that he's 19 years old. he was influenced by his older brother. possibly his mother from the video that we have seen. and that that's a factor that should be taken into consideration so he doesn't get the death penalty. i don't think they realistically think they are going to win the case. i think they are going to try to avoid the death penalty. >> i want to talk about this issueover the miranda rights being read to dzhokhar tsarnaev and when that happened and why. house intelligence committee chairman mike rogers has been upset about this saying multiple times that he thinks prematurely ended the investigation and we could have gotten more important information in the early hours out of dzhokhar tsarnaev. but at the same time a source tells susan candiotti that the bedside interviews were thorough and investigators did not feel
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the reading of his rights hindered the typing of the charges and hindered their questioning. what's your take on it at this point in time? >> this has been hugely controversial. and for good reason. normally when a u.s. citizen is arrested and this it young man is a naturalized u.s. citizen, he's held by law enforcement authorities and he has to be given his miranda warnings and eventually a judge appears and he appears to be arranged. they are saying he should have been deemed an enemy combatant is and this public safety exception to miranda should have been utilized and he should have been interrogated for a long period of time before a federal judge came into the picture. however, the department of justice arrived for the judge. he had the right to remain silent is and the right to counsel. the judge did exactly what he
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was supposed to do. and i have to say you're going to see lawyers and judges organizing ab this issue as to whether it's legal to delay indefinitely giving miranda warnings to an american citizen. it's going to be a big debate and how it it affects this case ultimately. one of the things i'll throw out there, some of the evidence in the case could get thrown out now because he wasn't given miranda. you were showing footage of the landfill in boston being combed. if they are looking there because of information that he gave before the miranda warnings they may not be able to use that in the criminal case. >> and also concerning the criminal case, when this goes to trial, the question is can you find an impartial jury here in boston. will it be tried here or moved to another federal court? paul callan says he believes it may be moved and not tried here in the city of the attacks. of course, we focus on the investigation, but we also want
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to focus on the victims. we want to bring you up to date on the victims that are still recovering after the boston marathon bombings. about 30 of them still remain in boston area hospitals. we know that three people were killed in that attack. and officer sean collier was gunned down at m.i.t. 264, that is the count of those injured in this brutal attack. in terms of those still in the hospital, one person remains in critical condition. the governor of texas is demanding an apology from the sacramento booe, the california paper published a cartoon about the deadly plant explosion in west, texas, that happened. the cartoon suggested that rick perry's push for fewer state regulations is to blame. the governor says the paper is mocking victims. perry put this on his facebook page. i'm going to quote him here.
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"publishing this on the very day our state and nation paused to honor and mourn those who died only compounds the pain and suffering of many texans." 14 people were killed in that blast. many more were injured. many of them first responders. i was down there myself to see the tragedy firsthand. the sacramento bee is standing by its cartoon. and in russia authorities raided a house of prayer south of moscow suspected of having ties with radical muslims. about 140 people were detained. there's no indication that the raid was connected to the boston marathon bombings at this point in time. coming up, we'll head to the midwest where several towns are inundated by floods. we'll take a look at the impact and check the forecast to see if more rain is on the way.
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can you talk to us? >> team conan about to take over washington. the one and only conan o'brien hosting tonight's annual white house correspondence dinner. it's been dubbed the nerd prom but you can expect glitz and glam. celebrities and politicians will
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join conan for a night of laughs. you can catch our coverage of the dinner starting tonight at 9:00 eastern live right here on cnn. we have also been following dw developments in the midwest. heavy rains causing major. flooding many towns. it can be devastating to these areas. the worst may not be over. in my home state of minnesota there's a lot of concern about this. i want to take us live to alexandra steele. more rain is on the way? >> absolutely. the red river, we have been watching that. we'll get to that. but first what we have are some flash flood warnings here through tennessee. a different scenario than river flood warnings. look at all this rain training over the same area. it's the i-65 corridor. jackson, tennessee, memphis, all the way to nashville, seeing already between one and three inches of rain.
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another one to three inches of rain coming. you can see where that is right now. so as we go a little closer, you can see where the heaviest rain is. had a lot of thunder and lightning earlier. a little less so now. it's moving eastward. unfortunately it's associated with a front that's stalling there. today and into tomorrow more of the southeast gets into the heavy rain. the northeast high and sdrie. boston and new york, sunny skies in the 60s. beautiful, dry saturday and sunday. washington gets into some clouds on sunday with this area of low pressure pushing eastward. so here's the futurecast. we're beginnigoing to watch thi bring more rain to minnesota and down through mississippi, atlanta, all the way in through the carolinas tomorrow as well. the southeast stays wet through the weekend. poppy? >> absolutely. hoping for the best there for all of those people. i know how much they struggle. thank you. i'm joined by carol costello. that is it m in boston.
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carol costello will take it over from here. >> thank you so much. good afternoon to all of you. we're here in boston with the latest information to bring you. this hour we'll be bringing you the latest on the investigation into the bombings. and we'll give you a tour of the memorial here on boylston street that continues to grow every day as people come to pay their respects. you can see how big the crowd is behind me. it's directly there. breaking news now at the top of the hour. i'm carol costello in boston. thank you for joining us. breaking news as you just heard. cnn has just learned federal agents have made an arrest in the rooi sin investigation. one man was under suspicion but was cleared.
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alina, what can you tell us about the suspect? >> reporter: james everette deutscheke was taken into custody. it happened around 1:00 in the morning. he has been turned over to the u.s. marshals offices. his name surfaced on monday for a hearing for former suspect paul kevin curtis. curtis said he had been framed and mentioned james as a potential suspect. curtis was the initial suspect in the case but he has since been cleared. the charges against him were dropped on tuesday. when that happened the attention seemed to focus on james. authorities were at his home. fbi agents have searched his former marshal arts so as well as his home. those searches have been throughout the weekend. his attorney has maintained that
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her client has nothing to do with the letters. we have not been able to make contact with her today. we are still working to get. additional details. when we have those, we'll bring them to you. carol? >> thank you so much. for more information on the investigation, we turn now to law enforcement analyst and former fbi assistant director tom fe wen tez. this guy was not a suspect. at least as far as we knew. apparently he had a grudge against the original person arrested. >> apparently so. when they made the first arrest in this case, the investigation was strong to justify the arrest. it was especially based on the fact that ricin is so dangerous. they hadn't confirmed how dangerous or how much the quantity had been deemed to be fatal at that point. but they were working on the lab tests and didn't want to take any chances. so the original arr wasmade. later information was developed
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that maybe a second person in this case had possibly mimicked what the first suspect had done in the past including taking excerpts from his social media page and putting that in the typed letters that were sent to the senate and white house. so the fbi continued the investigation looking at it and the more they investigated, then the more the finger pointed that he had framed the other person that he died so intensely and was responsible allegedly for sending the letters. >> so the initial reaction from people around me listening to this story right now is you have a grudge against someone and this is what you do? >> well, sure looks like it it. that's the basis of this. he wanted the other guy to be accused of it. and be prosecuted for it. indications were t it cod
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have been the other guy based on earlier mailings he had done and other issues from the past. so in this case, though, the investigation continued and additional search warrants were executed. last night you had the complaint being filed and the arrest being made. >> unbelievable. i'm sure more information will come in the hours to come on cnn. tom, thank you so much. stick around because you're going to help us out with the boston investigation as well. we want to turn to the investigation into the boston bombings. new details on the search for a piece of evidence that could provide information in the investigation. the surviving suspect's laptop. authorities are looking for dzhokhar tsarnaev's computer in a dump in gnu bedford, massachusetts. a law enforcement official says investigators went there after getting leads from tsarnaev and others who may have played a part in throwing that computer away. the u.s. official tells cnn one of the explosives found at last week's gunfight between polic d
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mila to the one in the magazine "inspire." the federal florida is about 40 miles west of boston. a law enforcement official says tsarnaev's condition is improving. he's able to sit up, he's able to write, but he's become a lot less talkative since authorities read him his miranda rights. now a moving moment. it was the first home game for the celtics since the bombings and they paid tribute to the police and first responders and those who helped save so many lives. >> a wonderful, warm reception for those people. >> as the city struggles to recover from these whorrifying terror attacks, investigators are working furiously to find
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out as much information as they can on that surviving suspect. cnn's pamela brown is live in delaware vens, massachusetts, where tsarnaev is being held. i'd like to talk about the search going on in a dump in new bedford. have police been able to find anything? >> not yet, carol. this is the third day that investigators are combing through that landfill. and new bedford, massachusetts, which is next to the college where dzhokhar tsarnaev went to school. so they have been there for three days. there are dozens of investigators combing through that landfill looking for what they believe will be dzhokhar tsarnaev's laptop and other clues that could provide some evidence in the investigation. we are told by sources that tsarnaev himself led authorities to that landfill including others who have been questioned in the investigation who may have actually played a role in
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disposing that laptop after the bombing. so far, as i mentioned, nothing has been found. but investigators don't want to give up on it this because that laptop could critical clues in this investigation, which we are hearing from sources that it is far from over. they are following a lot of leads here. carol? >> i know, including maybe on that laptop is why they allegedly did this. speaking of the younger suspect, he's in this medical facility mow. he's sitting up, he's writing, do we know what he's writing? do we know who he's writing to? >> carol, i just got off the phone with the u.s. marshal service. right now they are saying they can't update us on his condition. they can't give us details. . we all want to know what he's writing, but they are telling me that right now they can't update me. this is an unusual case for them and as you can imagine, he was
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brought here yesterday morning. he's in an area that's kor donned off for high-risk offenders. he's in a cell all by himself with very limited accommodations, with a steel door, a slot for food, a sink and toilet and that's about it. so this is an unusual case here. >> you're not kidding. so when might he next appear in court or can he appear in court? >> well, it actually could happen soon, carol. here's what we know. i spoke to a justice department official. we know that an indictment with the grand jury must be presented within 30 days of the charges being filed. we know the charges were officially filed last sunday so only a few weeks from now we're expected to see that indictment. from there, the court will decide when the arraignment will be and that's when the suspect
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would be expected to appear in court and enter a ea. so it may not be long from now. carol? >> all right, pamela brown reporting live in massachusetts. apparently dzhokhar tsarnaev gave investigators good clues. you heard pamela talking about that. but he's clammed up since he was read his miranda rights. athena jones is at the white house this morning. good morning, athena. >> good morning. this has been controversial. in fact, house intelligence committee chairman mike rogers wants to know more about why the suspect was read his miranda rights when he was read them. he sent a letter to the attorney general demanding a full accounting of how the decision was reached. it contained multiple questions including who decided that the initial appearance on monday should be held at that specific time and in the hospital while the questioning was ongoing.
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he also wants to know if the fbi raised concerns about the timing of the reading to the suspect of his right to remain silennd right to a lawyer. those are some questions that he's asking. the department of justice hasn't responded directly to the long list of questions in the l congressman's leer, but prosecutors and fbi agents knew this initial appearance had been scheduled ahead of time. i can also tell you that susan candiotti talked to a law enforcement official who said they didn't feel hindered by the fact this suspect was read his miranda rights and the early bedside interviews were very thorough. but as you can probably bet, that's not going to put an end to the questions here in washington. >> that's probably absolutely true. any word from the white house on this? >> it's interesting. we haven't heard much from the president himself in the last several days, but we did hear
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vice president biden speaking about this case. he was in arizona and he talked about why earlier this week he called these suspects cowardly knockoff jihadists. he said they didn't look like professionals. let's listen to more that he had to >> the most difficult person to deal with is the self-radicalized or the one that is marginally assisted who is not directed specifically to anybody. because all the intelligence apparatus and all of the means by which we have to infiltrate or pickup the kind of signals we're able to pick up with our significant technological capability is rendered almost useless. >> it's interesting he talks about technological capabilities. one of the criticisms is there were signs. there were warnings from russia about the older tsarnaev, the
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suspect who has now been killed. so the issue is a little more complicated. we expect there to be more questions about whether information was shared during this process as well, carol. >> all right. athena jones live from the white house today. really stunning, surprising discovery in new york city. part of the landing gear of an airliner wedged into an 18-inch spice between two buildings near ground zero. does it belong to one of the planes from 9/11? alina cho is in new york to explore this mystery for us. this would be strange. i can't find the right adjective. >> it's an amazing discover ri on so many different levels. this all started on wednesday morning when surveyors were here at the building behind me. and they were in the backyard. they were looking to do some
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construction work. and they stumbled upon and saw what they were calling at the time a mechanical part. they didn't know what it was. then upon closer inspection, they were able to see a boeing serial i.d. number. it was at that point that the lightbulb went off and they realized that it's likely the landing gear from one of the hijacked planes that crashed into the twin towers on 9/11. as i mentioned, an amazing discovery really for two big reasons. number one, the sure size of the piece, it's enormous. it's 5 feet by 4 feet, 17 inches in depth. it's said to weigh up to 700 pounds. it was wedged between these two buildin buildings, as you said, in a space where the width is just 18 inches. one of the buildings incredibly is the site of the controversial ground zero mosque. and so when you look at the
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small space in which this piece was wedged, the question becomes how did it get there and nypd commissioner ray kelly has his theories. >> the space between the two buildings is only 18 inches. now the part has been measured to be 5 feet by 4 feet by 17 inches. so it's a big part, and obviously, a very narrow, confined area. somehow the part gets down there. could it have been lowered at some time? it's possible. there's a rope that's on it it. it looks intertwined with that part. it would have had to fall down -- hit at a certain angle to make it go right down. >> reporter: investigators were back here at this site which is
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technically a crime scene. they will be searching for toxins and possibly human remains. this brings back so many terrible memories for the 9/11 families. some of whom have said to us that they are outraged and frankly disgusted at this discovery and say it's just further evidence the latest proof that a proper search of this area after 9/11 was never conducted. carol? >> wow, alina cho, we'll check back with you. we traveled to the hometown of the tsarnaev family in chechnya and found a great uncle who remembers the brothers as children. most who knew the suspects can hardly imagine they would be involved in something like this. was this their brotherly bond that changed things? an expert joins us live in boston with some answers. that's coming your way, next.
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older brother, could agree to commit such crimes. >> i don't think he was brainwashed. he just looked up to his older brothers. >> there's looking up to your older brother. i look up to my older brother but i don't think he could convince me to plant bombs. >> but often times people will do things with someone else they would never do on their own. they have someone else to help justify it, support it it, and in this case to understand why the bombings occurred you need to look not just at what anti-american ideology they had and how they reenforced each other, but their relationship. how the older brother enjoyed being the leader and having someone follow his lead. how the younger brother. ed the acceptance and approval of his older brother. even though they had their thoughts about america, but together they brought out the
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worst of each other. >> so when this case comes to trial and this young man is being, you know, cross-examined about his brother, will the bond be broken now that he's dead? >> the bond was broken once his brother was dead. he was no longer a formidable foe for the police. he didn't really fight back. he had no reason to go on in terms of this holy war. and i think that's what we're seeing now too. when he was in the hospital, he started talking about what happened and why it happened. his brother is not around anymore. he doesn't have a reason anymore to be a terrorist. >> it's just so strange. the other thing that i found so incredibly strange is after these brothers allegedly committed these crimes, they talked about normal things. even after they carjacked danny, they talked with danny about
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gi girls and music and it it just seems impossible to believe they could be talking about such normal, everyday things after they allegedly did these terrible things. >> the crimes they committed allegedly were part of their life. not the totality of their life. so many people around them didn't see this because together they had this plan. and who knows how long they were planning it, but the rest of the time they were ordinary guys who led ordinary lives. one had a wife and a kid and the other was in college. so obviously they are not always talking about bombings. >> so what do you do compartmentalize your life? how is is that possible? >> everybody compartmentalizes to some extent. a guy at work is ruthless to co-workers but at home he's kind and loving. so they have a separate part of their life where they are fighting this holy war, but the rest of the time they are ordinary people. that's why they were able to blend in and no one subpoena sp.
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the fact they were talking about girls and cds and music, it's critical to danny's survival because to them he was a human being. he had a face, he had a name, he had ideas. whereas the people they bombed, allegedly at the marathon, were anonymous targets. it's easier to kill those you don't see. danny was personal, humanized in their eyes. that's part of why he survived and was able to escape. >> going back to the compartmentalizing factor many all this. do people who do evil things, is it easier for them to live with it, let's say, if they compartmentalize? if they believe that other person is someone else at least if for some of time? >> all the way back to the nazis who during the day they were ruthless experimenters.
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but at night they went home to their families and were loving husbands and fathers. so you block off the terrible thing you're doing either because it's your job or you believe in some ideology. and the rest of the time you're an ordinary person. it happens among criminals. it happens among lots of people. we have seen serial killers who were well respected. but no one knew the darkest side of him where he was killing young men and burying them in the crawl space of the house. and in this case, in the bombing case when their names were out there, people still are incredulous. that's not the others that they knew because they didn't see that particular side. >> thank you so much. really fascinating stuff. dr. fox, thank you. we have heard it a million time on "law and order", you
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have the right to remain silent. how has that played into the case against him? our legal guys are on that case. our special coverage from boston continues right after this. when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) designed for your most precious cargo. (girl) what? (announcer) the all-new subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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welcome back to our live coverage of the boston bombings. i'm carol costello. the younger tsarnaev gave investigators pretty good clues about the bombing. he told them to look for his laptop in a dump about an hour away from boston. the computer he tossed could be full of valuable information, but the suspect hasn't been nearly as jgenerous since he wa read his miranda rights to not incriminate himself. that also involves a right to an attorney. how are prosecutors developing their case against him?
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richard herman is a new york criminal defense attorney and law professor. he joins us from miami. thanks so much to both of you for being with me today. >> sure. >> richard, i'd like to start with you. we heard dzhokhar tsarnaev is sitting up in bed. he's in a medical facility at a prison. he's sitting up in bed and he's writing things. we don't know what he's writing, but in your mind as a defense attorney, what should he be doing? >> he should be pleading with his two attorneys, the one who went to yale and the one who went to harvard, to try to cut him some sort of deal to spare his life. that's what he should be doing. and whether or not they can do that, carol, i think he has an excellent chance here of not getting the death penalty. there are several reasons for that. but just understand that the state of massachusetts does not
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have a state death penalty. the victims will have to consent to a death penalty. i'm not sure her going to go there. he's going to claim his brother brainwashed me. that will be the theme of the trial. he was brainwashed by the 26-year-old and did everything under his spell. he had no prior history of any legal or criminal history and he was a good kid. he was a hard working kid. he dun deserve to die. >> come on. dr. fox also said that the so-called brainwashing ended once his older brother died and he's giving all this information including -- wouldn't it be a difficult thing to prove he was completely brainwashed. why would he not be brainwashed now, avery? >> that's right, that's right. the fact is we heard a very short time ago that the chair of the house intelligence committee mike rogers wants to have a full
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investigation on eric holder on the miranda rights. it's very simple. i can save congress a lot of time and money. number one, there was public safety exception. they had 16 to 18 hours of asking important questions. a united states magistrate judge came in, talked about miranda and frankly you protected not only the defendant's rights but made sure there wasn't a compromise of the prosecution here. so the end of the day, there is death penalty. it's coming up. there's sufficient evidence and the defendant's rights have been protected. no need for a congressional hearing. the case is going to move forward. not even a question about it. >> richard, i would think the delay in reading the suspect his miranda rights would come up at trial, wouldn't it? >> yeah, and hypothetically say that they never questioned him. say he never made any statements at all.
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could they still convict him based on the video surveillance and the admissions made to other people? they have it. it doesn't matter what he said. avery is right. the public safety exception stepped in. they took 72 hours with him despite the city of boston proclaiming early saturday that there was no further threat and there were no other bombs are going to go off. but despite that, he's not giving credible information at this point in time and he's not giving devastating information the government needs to convict him. they have the conviction regardless of anything he says and the question is will they give him the death penalty. that's the question. >> sure they will. >> no, they won't. >> what's interesting is the subsequent information that surfaced that they were heading to new york city, there may be charges in manhattan. but the reality is you're going to see the u.s. attorney in boston move forward with this thing. the idea that there's a need to
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have further investigation, carol, doesn't even exist in. >> carol, you remember the d.c. sniper. he made that same claim in court that he was brainwashed by the older co-conspirator. it did work. he didn't get the death penalty. >> he was a teenager too. >> he was 17 years old. this boy is 19. >> you're definitely adult by the time you're 19. i want to ask a question about the older brother and how they will try to figure out his case. will they, for lack of a better term, try him too, avery? >> no, he's dead. it's over. >> i understand that. but you can't say throw it out. they still have to investigate. what will they do? >> they will investigate, but there's nobody to indict. the fact is that part of that evidence is going to be part of the underlying case. i genuinely believe these aren't
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a couple lone wolves. as this investigation evolves, we're going to find out others involved. maybe the mother. there are other people i know these two shared that will surface in this thing. that part of it will grow. whether we'll see criminal indictments, i don't think we'll see anything other than this individual, that's it. if there are others, terrific, but i don't think so. >> thanks so much. i got to go. thanks to both of you. fascinating discussion. it is a day boston will never forget. we'll show you the growing memorial for those who were killed or injured that terrible day. stay with us as our special coverage continues. [ male announcer ] who loves social networking as much as you?
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i'm carol costello back in boston. in a second i'm going to take you to the makeshift memorial that has sprung up. it's so touching. people are writing messages to the victims and those injured. there are teddy bears and running shoes. people from all over the country are coming here to take a look at this memorial. one of these people i just met. why did you come here? >> i came to see what happened here. it's so sad. i wanted to pay my tribute here to the people that were injured.
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>> can you believe they have this street open again? it looks normal. >> i don't believe what happened a week ago. it's so devastating. and it's totally normal now. >> police are not writing any parking tickets so if you park you can stay there and won't have to pay. if you spend $25 in a store. that's what the mayor is asking. >> i deny know didn't know that. >> now you know. as you walk through the memorial, what will you be seeking? >> just names and it's just so sad to see how many people got hurt. they were so innocent in what happen happened. it's unbelievable. >> i see you brought your little one. what's your name? >> rishi. >> welcome to boston. >> thank you. >> where are you from? >> new jersey. >> what do you want your son to see here? >> just to remember how sad things have happened. and a little boy his age got
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killed. it's very sad. >> i'll let you get to it. thank you so much. before we head to a break, i want to take you inside the memorial so you can see a couple of examples of what people are doing. this morning i was here very early. there were only a few written messages on here. as you can see it's totally full now. there are magic markers on the ground that people can pick up and write any message you want. we love you, boston. we'll never forget but we'll always stay strong no matter what. i love boston forever. prayers to boston. peace and love. lots of i love you bostons. you're in our thoughts and prayers. just the kindness of people and how touched they are by what happened here and how amazed this city has so quickly gotten back to normal. at least we'll call it normal right now. i'll wrap it up here for now and
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toss to a break. when we come back, we'll talk about sequestration, the forced budget cuts. lawmakers reacted quickly and they passed a bill through the senate and house ending the cuts for air traffic controllers. but there's a problem. the president can't sign the bill into law. i'm not going to tell you why yet. but you will not believe it. we'll be right back. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day,
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i hinted at this before the break. breaking news out of washington. there's an unexpected delay in the move to end the faa furloughs that have been causing long delays at airports across the country. president obama hoped o sign a bill aimed the at ending the
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furloughs to ease tra troubles. but the president can't do that right away because of a misspelling in the bill. someone misspelled a word. congress passed the bill this week. sent it it to the. 's desk. this all happened really fast and then there was this misspelling. hopefully they will remember to hit the spell check button this time around. then he can sign it into law. more now on travel. after the recent terror attacks, security lines at airports are now longer than ever. in addition to the furloughs, there was a problem there too. it it makes some travelers very anxious. iesha has tips on how to travel stress free. >> reporter: a terror attack can make traveling more stressful. sl it's normal for people to feel anxiety. just the visibility of security at the airports is enough to get people a little bit more anxious, a little more concerned
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at airports and really at any crowded event or situation. >> reporter: large crowds often can't be avoided when traveling, but wherever you are, pay attention. >> knowing the exits, knowing where security personnel are stati stationed. just the layout of where you're headed can help ease worries and concerns if you're in the midst of a crowded space. >> while you remain aware, a b tablet or a good book can also help you escape any anxious thoughts. >> packing your patience is priority one. be prepared for security being a little more of a time-staking experience as well. state of mind is key here. the more flexible we are and the more relaxed we are as we head into travel experience the better the overall trip is going to be. >> so air travelers problems may not go away immediately because of the misspelling in the bill to end air traffic controller
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f furloughs. joining me is the author of "travel unscripted." thank you for joining us. >> great to be here. >> can you believe the misspelling? >> actually i can. >> for once congress acted quickly and got something done and then this happens. it's sort of like, i don't know. i do know what kind of mess it is, i just can't say it on television. >> exactly. >> how will this continue to affect people at airports across the country in light of this delay in signing the bill? >> absolutely. it's going to affect them. once it's signed, it's still going to take 72 hours to roll out with the staffing. so you're still going to see a residual effect pr 72 hours. you need to be prepared for
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that. one of the tips i say is always try to catch the first flight out. when you have cancellations and delays they stack up and there's fewer flights today than there were three years ago. if you miss your flight or your flight is cancelled, then you are quite possibly not even getting out later that day because the seats will be full. get out on the first flight. make sure you're on a plane. if. you miss that first flight, try to avoid rush hour at the airport. it's the same as rush hour everywhere else. go out after 9 a.m. if you can. the security lines are less. and you have a better chance of getting on a flight. if you fly in the middle of the day, you'll save money as well. >> you make it sound so easy. but really we're a the mercy of the airlines. we could do everything right, follow every one of your tips and still not be a pleasant experience. >> you know what, murphy's law, i know a little about it. so yes, you need to be prepared.
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i always tell people, i think the previous person you had on was dead on. bring your patience. understand the airline part is the beginning of your trip. focus on where you're going. you will get there. the key is getting there safely. that's what we all want. >> are some cities more affected than others? >> yeah. certain airports, i stay away from chicago o'hare as much as possible. if you look at the airports with the biggest complaints as far as cancellations and departures, chicago o'hare, dulles, houston, a lot of that is the united hubs. they had those problems with the integration of the merger. so they saw a spike in complaints as a result of that. but i try to avoid those. especially i try to avoid chicago and denver in the winter time because of weather issues. i try to avoid dfw and miami if possible in the summertime because of weather issues.
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and you just have to be smart. a lot of times you're booking a connection. if you're taking a connection, avoid those airports and choose different ways to e get there. >> i'm going to try to follow each of your tips. thank you so much. i'm sure that the people in charge in washington will correct the misspelling and president obama will sign the bill ending the furloughs for air traffic controllers. coming up, we travel to the hometown of the tsarnaev family in chechnya. a great uncle who remembers the brothers as little kids. we'll be right back. water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and
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the tsarnaev family's identity was forged here. we found their hometown from what's left of the family home. in its ruins lie the brutalized past the brothers must have grown up with. tamerlan fled this town when he was about 11 and this street was bombed. it was hard to be a chechen without a tie to your homeland. and these ruins are what's left of the family home of the father. we spoke to their great uncle. >> translator: they were this big but i didn't see them after that. they weren't involved in that crazy stuff. >> reporter: i show him tamerlan's picture from online. >> translator: that's him. that's tamerlan probably. he didn't live here so i can't say. >> reporter: the americans say he's behind the boston bombings. >> translator: i saw them on tv.
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they said he was dead. i saw him on tv like this and that's it. >> reporter: since the wars intense repression, chechen has pushed the violence into dagestan. shootouts like this are common place. police call them bandits. using jihad as a cover for criminality. militants claim they waged jihad against corrupt russian police. this video police say shows them cutting the throat of a policeman in his home. the west sometimes in their sights as they train and recruit in the words chechnya wars began a cycle of violence that doesn't stop, just spreads. >> the white house correspondents dinner is toni t
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tonight. it's usually a fun and festive affair. in light of what's happened in boston, will it be the same? will the president joke about things? wi what we'll be right back. (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time.
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with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. this is awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is, business pro. yes, it is. go national. go like a pro. welcome to the cnn newsroom. i'm carol costello live in boston. we begin with breaking news. a major break in the ricin letters